Lost In Translation - About

When I was younger I used to love a website called "Lost in Translation" or Multibabel, created by Carl Tashian in 2000. However, it was unforunately forced to stop operating due to API changes that can be seen in more detail on the now non-functional but still available website:

So a few years ago I unfortunately couldn't use it any more and that was that. Until recently, however when I stumbled across Malinda Kathleen Reese on Youtube, who is an absolutely fantastic singer, but also has a "Google Translate sings..." series where she sings the lyrics of songs that have been butchered by Google Translate to the music of the original. What she produces is absolutely fantastic by the way, so you totally need to check her out!

This made me remember how fun it was putting songs, quotes, heck, even my homework at the time, into LostInTranslation and seeing the funny results that come from being translated between countless languages. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a working online, automated option, so instead was doing it manually. Purely for the fun of it, I decided I wanted to see how my entire website would be changed by putting all of it through 21 different languages using Google Translate. This version of my site is the result! You can use the link in the footer to switch between the normal version and "LostInTranslation Mode" on any page, but I definitely suggest having a look around and comparing some of the pages, some lines are hilarious! Below is the order in which text was translated in.

  • English
  • Scottish Gaelic (because why not?!)
  • Welsh (again, why not?!)
  • French
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Spanish
  • Korean
  • Dutch
  • Arabic
  • Greek
  • Hindi
  • Italian
  • Russian
  • Latin
  • Thai
  • Lithuanian
  • Polish
  • Swedish
  • Ukranian
  • And finally back to English again!

I had no particular reason for this order, besides picking 20 well-known languages that I thought would offer variety (and hence some weird results!), and I fancied, and I tried to mix them up a bit, again to try create interesting results. If you do anything similar or have any comments or questions be sure to hit me up on Twitter @accudio!

And below, this entire page again in Lost In Translation Mode!

When I was younger, I'm calling station, Carl Tashian Babylon 2000 "Lost in Translation" and she related information models, depending on the performance of services subject to change. API:

After a couple of years ago, but I do not think that will be repeated. The late great singer rent Malinda Kathleen Reese came a young person to fulfill a number of exceptions in this case. But do not kill text Google Translate Google Translate song...... This does not work so well, and that everything is possible!

It is interesting to see LostInTranslation but while the music of the devil, in different languages, do not forget to give investors step. So it was not so much and not be able to work with their hands online. The change in the game, and the language of the spirit, not through the site, more than Google Translate My Page (21) for a first look at these things from the point of view! Measures LostInTranslation deficit. At the bottom of the page, but the two did not change a lot of attractions that can be recommended without hesitation highly Elite Elite Here is a summary of changes in the text of the party.

  • Englishman
  • 盖尔苏格 (for anything), you
  • Welsh (away)
  • honest
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • Germany
  • price
  • Spain
  • South Korea
  • Netherlands
  • Arabic
  • Greek
  • Latin
  • Italy
  • Russia
  • English
  • Thailand
  • Romania
  • peaches
  • Sweden
  • Ukraine
  • Finally, in the UK!

Good reason to believe a little English, and 20 from the province of foods (fruits fun) and I try to make sure to pay attention to the performance of certain procedures. I saw him, he asked me to confirm that accudire microblogging.

Those country translations really are odd;!

  • French>honest
  • Japanese>price
  • The weirdest one, Hindi>Latin (yes I checked!)
  • Then Latin>English (Despite the fact that English didn't get through)
  • Lithuanian>Romania
  • And Polish>peaches!

How odd!